Nibu Jacob

Software Developer.
Data Scientist.

Web Service JavaScript
  • Node
  • Express 4
  • MongoDB

REST API backend to support multi-device authentication and real-time push messages.

Supports location-based queries on MongoDB database on the cloud and secure credit card payments through Stripe payment gateway.

Angular 7 Web App TypeScript
  • Node
  • Angular 7

Angular 7 web application with social network features (custom authentication using JWT, location-based search, real-time chat using, paginated posts). Written in Typescript.

Supports location capture and real-time push notifications. Paid membership through Stripe payment gateway.

Semantic Web App Java
  • Apache Jena
  • RDF

Semantic web is the next step in the evolution of world wide web. A prototype web application that searches semantically annotated data in an RDF storage using SPARQL queries and displays meaningful search results to the user.

Modelling Twitter Dataset Java
  • Google Geocoding API
  • Twitter API
  • MongoDB

Google Geocoding API allows geomapping of Twitter users on a geographical map. Visualization of Twitter users after cleaning and geocoding the dataset.

Datamining Medical Records R
  • Node
  • Express 4
  • MongoDB

Exploratory data analysis using R to mine and display graphically the various statistics of patient populations in a medical records dataset. Correlations between patient-related health variables explored to find statistically significant relationships.

Network Visualization R

Visualization of historic research and current research fronts in the academic sub-discipline of numerical cognition using network visualization tools helped the client (a post-doctoral researcher at Carnegie Mellon University) in identifying patterns and clusters as well as areas to focus on.